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Bubblez v2.0.0

A gem for easily defining client REST interfaces in ruby

If you’re using Rails, it’s suggested to have a config/initializers/bubblez.rb configuration file where you can easily configure your endpoints and environments. If you’re not using Rails, then you can put this configuration just about anywhere, provided it’s executed before where you want to use it.


In config/initializers/bubblez.rb, add the following:

require 'bubblez'

Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config.add_api(name: 'MyApi',
                 environments: [{
                                  :scheme => 'http',
                                  :host => '',
                                  :port => '1234'
                 endpoints: [
                     :method => :get,
                     :location => :version,
                     :authenticated => false,
                     :api_key_required => false

The config object is the root of the bubblez configuration. It contains one or more API configurations, each added using the add_api method. Each API configuration must have a unique name.

The endpoints parameter of the method is where you configure which endpoints you want to support. The environments parameter of the method defines the environments, or remote configurations, for accessing the endpoints on specific remote destinations.

Now, you can use this endpoint with:

require 'bubblez'

def version
  resources = 'Default'

  # The following will make a GET request to
  # and return the result.
  result = resources.environment.version


Detailed Documentation

A bubblez configuration is made up of API configurations, each of which should specify a single uniform API definition. Each API configuration is specified with the add_api method.

There are currently two parts to a bubblez API configuration: the environments and the endpoints. Bubblez is configured in a bubblez configuration block:

Bubblez.configure do |config|
  # You can add configuration for Bubblez here using config[<API name>].endpoints and config[<API name>].environments

This configuration block can be run at any time, but is typically set up in the initializer section of an app’s startup. If desired, configuration can happen separately. That is, you can initialize environments within your initializer file and then initialize endpoints within another section of the application. Just note that when endpoints are defined, it overwrites all endpoints of a configuration, not just the ones you choose to change.

The add_api method is a shorthand notation for specifying the environments and endpoints of an API configuration in one method call. It’s not explicitly necessary. The configuration block below is perfectly valid:

Bubblez.configure do |config|
  # Note: No `add_api` call is made here. This usually wouldn't be that handy when definining the environments and
  #       endpoints all at once, but if you're definining them at different times, it's sometimes necessary to skip the
  #       call to add_api in favor of just implicitly defining the API name.
  config['Default'].environments = [{
                                      :scheme => 'http',
                                      :host => '',
                                      :port => '1234'
  config['Default'].endpoints = [{
                                    :method => :get,
                                    :location => :version,
                                    :authenticated => false,
                                    :api_key_required => false


You can set up any number of environments in bubblez. If you choose to have more than one, though, each of these environments requires that you specify an environment_name parameter to uniquely identify it. If you specify multiple environments with the same environment_name, only the environment with this name that was defined last will take effect.

Configuration of Environments

Environments are configured as part of the bubblez configuration block and can have the following parameters:

Example: Configuring three environments

Consider the possibility of wanting to configure three environments for a single API named ‘MyApi’:

You can configure all of these environments at once in the bubblez configuration block:

Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config['MyApi'].environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '1234',
    :environment_name => 'development'
    :scheme => 'https',
    :host => '',
    :port => '8080',
    :environment_name => 'staging'  
    :scheme => 'https',
    :host => '',
    :port => '80',
    :environment_name => 'production'

If you choose a scheme of http and leave off the port configuration variable, it will default to 80. Similarly, https will default to a port of 443.

You can now access the environments using the method RestClientResources.environment:

resources = 'MyApi'
staging_environment = resources.environment 'staging'

The environment_name parameter is optional if you have only a single Environment. In this case, you can access a single environment by leaving the parameter off of the call to resources.environment:

resources = 'MyApi'

# Note: This line will raise an error if there is more than one Environment defined
environment = resources.environment

Configuration of Endpoints

Endpoints are the meat and potatoes of REST interaction. By indicating a method, uri, body, and headers, you are effectively making a function call on a remote server.

Endpoints are specified as an array of objects within the bubblez configuration block:

config[<API name>].endpoints = [
  # Individual endpoint definitions go here

When processing each of these endpoint definitions, a method is created on instances of RestEnvironment that allows you to call the method in question. For example, an endpoint defined as:

  :method => :get,
  :location => :version,
  :authenticated => false,
  :api_key_required => false

will create a method on instances of RestEnvironment called version, which will execute the appropriate REST call (via RestClient) and return a RestClient::Response object.

Each endpoint object can have the following attributes:

Name Description Required? Default
method The HTTP method to use to access the API for this endpoint. Must be one of GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, or HEAD. Yes N/A
location The path to access the endpoint. This is placed after the host:port section to build the URI. It may have URI parameters in the form of {paramName}. If a URI parameter is specified within the location, a uri_params hash will be expected to be passed to the calling method to replace the placeholder values. Yes N/A
name The name to give the method created to make this REST call. No The value of the location parameter, with slashes (/) replaced with underscores (_).
authenticatedd Whether or not this endpoint requires authentication prior to executing the call. If true, then an Authorization header will be added to the request. If the encode_authorization flag is also set, then the Authorization will be of type Basic and a base64-encoded username:password string will be added as the value. If the encode_authorization flag is not set, then an auth token will be expected as part of the method’s parameters and will be passed with an authorization type of Bearer within the header. No false
api_key_required Whether or not an API key is required. If true, a parameter will be added to the method created to execute the REST API call named api_key. The value of this parameter will be set as the value of the X-Api-Key header when making the REST API call. No false
return_type Must be one of: [full_response, body_as_object, body_as_string]. This specifies what type of response is expected from the Endpoint. A value of full_response will return the full RestClient::Response object to the client. A value of body_as_string will return the RestClient::Response.body value as a String. A value of body_as_object will take the RestClient::Response.body parameter and parse it as an OpenStruct object, and return the result of this parsing operation. No body_as_string
encode_authorization Whether the data passed as part of the request should be re-encoded as an Authorization: Basic header (and Base64 encoded). Typically, this is only used for initial username/password authentication. No false
headers A Hash of key-value pairs specifying additional headers (the key specifies the name of the header, and the value specifies the value) that should be passed with each call to this Endpoint. Defaults to {}.    


These examples are taken almost directly from our test suite. For more detailed examples, please refer to our specifications located in the /spec directory.

GET the version of the software (unauthenticated, no API key required)


require 'bubblez'

Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config['MyApi'].endpoints = [
      :method => :get,
      :location => :version,
      :authenticated => false,
      :api_key_required => false,
      :return_type => :body_as_object

  config['MyApi'].environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '1234'


it 'should return an object containing the version information from the API' do
  resources = 'MyApi'
  environment = resources.environment

  response = environment.version
  expect(response).to_not be_nil
  expect( eq('My Sweet API')
  expect(response.versionName).to eq('0.0.1')

GET a specific user by id (authentication via authorization token required)


Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config[:SinkingMoon].endpoints = [
      :method => :get,
      :location => 'users/{id}',
      :authenticated => true,
      :name => :get_user,
      :return_type => :body_as_object

  config[:SinkingMoon].environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '9002'


it 'should return an object containing a user with id = 4' do
  environment =
  user = environment.get_user(@auth_token, {:id => 4})
  expect(user).to_not be_nil

  expect( eq(4)

GET a specific user by id (authentication via login/password)


Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config[:SinkingMoon].endpoints = [
      :method => :get,
      :location => 'users/{id}',
      :authenticated => true,
      :encode_authorization => true,
      :name => :get_user,
      :return_type => :body_as_object

  config[:SinkingMoon].environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '9002'


it 'should return an object containing a user with id = 4' do
  environment =
  user = environment.get_user 'somelogin', 'somepassword', {:id => 4})
  expect(user).to_not be_nil

  expect( eq(4)

POST a login (i.e. retrieve an authorization token)


Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config['LoginApi'].endpoints = [
      :method => :post,
      :location => :login,
      :authenticated => true,
      :api_key_required => true,
      :encode_authorization => [:username, :password],
      :return_type => :body_as_object

  config['LoginApi'].environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '9002',
    :api_key => 'someapikey'


it 'should return a user data structure with a valid authorization token' do
  environment ='LoginApi').environment

  login_object = environment.login 'myusername', 'mypassword'

  auth_token = login_object.auth_token

  expect(auth_token).to_not be_nil

DELETE a user by id


Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config[:SinkingMoon].endpoints = [
      :method => :delete,
      :location => 'users/{id}',
      :authenticated => true,
      :name => 'delete_user_by_id',
      :return_type => :body_as_object

  config[:SinkingMoon].environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '9002'


it 'should successfully delete the given user' do
  environment =
  response = environment.delete_user_by_id @auth_token, {:id => 2}
  expect(response.success).to eq(true)

PATCH a user’s information by providing a body containing information to update


Bubblez.configure do |config|
  config[:SinkingMoon].endpoints = [
      :method => :patch,
      :location => 'users/{id}',
      :authenticated => true,
      :name => 'update_user',
      :return_type => :body_as_object

  config[:SinkingMoon].environments = [{
    :scheme => 'http',
    :host => '',
    :port => '9002'


it 'should update information for the specified user' do
  environment =
  response = environment.update_user @auth_token, {:id => 4}, {:user => {:email => '' } }

  expect( eq(4)
  expect( eq('')